Where to start?
Get organized
Take a moment, consider and ask yourself and your staff the following:
What are you already doing to communicate with your congregation and community—digital and otherwise?
Of the things you are already doing, what is working? Developing a digital strategy is rarely a from-scratch endeavor.
What questions do you get regularly? To which needs do those questions point?
What is not working or has not worked in the past? What have you stopped doing and why?
Figure out your "why"
Ask yourself these questions when you're in the process of developing an overarching digital strategy and when you have something specific to communicate. Thoughtfulness in communication is key!
Why are you looking to communicate digitally? To increase engagement with current congregants? To reach a new audience? To promote something particular?
What is the core message you want to communicate? What about it is important to the people to whom you are communicating? Never forget that content is king. What you have to say is always more important than how you display or share it.
Who is the audience? This is very important. Different people use different platforms. Using the correct platform for a specific message means you're having the greatest possible impact. Yes, this also means you need to know what these platforms are, who uses them, and when you need each one. But I can help with that!
When and where will you share the message? What platform best accommodates this particular message? You want to communicate your message as succinctly as possible.
Need help?
Whether you want to understand why what you're doing isn't having an impact or to develop a more effective digital strategy, whether you need support with a one-time communication about a specific project or you need assistance getting set up on social media platforms, I can help.
Learning to navigate the world of online communication can be overwhelming. My goal is to help you in the way that makes the most sense for your church and your budget so you can be effective, not exhausted.
For more information on services, click here. Or to contact me directly, visit my Contact page.